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Generated TIPS Ladder
Year fundedTIPS holdingsNet purchase costPre- ladder interest3Principal incomeInterest incomeTotal income
2030912828Z37 × 17$18,236$33743.92$20,496$6,122$60,363
203191282CBF7 × 45$46,738$53,623$6,076$59,699
203291282CDX6 × 48$45,861$53,714$6,009$59,723
203391282CGK1 × 51$48,635$53,110$5,677$58,787
203491282CJY8 × 58$56,356$58,530$3,329$61,859
2035191282CJY8 × 58$56,356$58,530$1,281$59,811
2036191282CJY8 × 58$56,356$58,530$1,281$59,811
2037191282CJY8 × 58$56,356$58,530$1,281$59,811
20382912810QF8 × 42$58,937$60,277$640$60,918
[1]: No TIPS matures this year so an earlier-maturing one is used.[2]: No TIPS matures this year so a later-maturing one is used.[3]: Interest earned before the start of the ladder's first year.dummy
Desired annual real income60000
Income requirement kindAverage
Earliest year to fund2030
Final year to fund2038
Bond choice within yearEarliest to mature
Bond choice for years with no maturing TIPSBond maturing in the year nearest to the start of rung-year
Years funded9
Cost to purchase$443,831
Total income$540,780
Annual income average$60,087
Annual income minimum$58,787
Withdrawal Rate13.54%
TIPS price date2024-4-26
Creation time (NY)2024-4-27 1:34 PM
Purchase date2024-4-29
Settlement date2024-4-30